A Letter For You
dihantar oleh: atiqah ali
editor: deynarashid

Assalamualaikum to my fellow sisters and brethrens, who will be one of the occupants in Jannah, insyaAllah. First of all, this is a letter that I composed to all viewers. A letter full of my real thoughts and dwellings, a letter of hope and pain, a letter of almost the truth. So here goes nothing.


Dear brothers and sisters,

The thing that triggered me to write such a letter is a post, that I read on someone’s blog. It reminded me, well, of about everything. Every single thing that I worked for, every single thing that I fought for. Yes, my story had started long enough, ever since I was back in high school.


My friend was fasting. I felt excited because I tried fasting too and it’s in the fasting month, yes, I remembered it well. I followed my Muslim friends where I woke up early for sahur and break my fast at Maghrib. I was doing it because I thought it would be fun and why not, since I was dead eager to know how it’s like.

Until one day, still in that month, my Muslim friend told me, though hesitant, something regarding the fact that I’m fasting. It broke my heart and it took me ages to recover and I nearly feel angered. Know what she told me?

“Ko tau tak yang ko puasa ni ko tak dapat pape? Macam kitorang, kitorang dapat pahala, tapi ko dapat lapar je.” To which I retort “Xpela, aku saje je, takkan x boleh?” Though the way she said it seems harsh, but it’s the truth.

And that got me thinking.

I thought about it every single night before I slept, to which I held up the palms of my hand facing my face and hoped silently that Allah hears my prayer, which is “Please Ya Allah, please grant only this, eventhough I’m still not a Muslim, please Ya Allah, please grant this prayer. I really want to be a Muslim. Ease my journey towards becoming a Muslim.”

And afterwards I would cry, because I was really hoping, that somehow, Allah let it easy for me, and grant that prayer.

And Alhamdulillah, now, I AM a Muslim.

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.. And I will never stop saying it, because I was really thankful.

The feeling was like, as if someone just saved you from a tragic death, or from drowning. Yes, I was drowning back then. I was flailing my arms desperately, for someone to save me, and Allah did. SubhanAllah...

I was saved, my brothers and sisters, I was saved.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Do you not know how much pain it caused me? How many tears are shed because of this journey I chose? Do you?

It was so difficult for me to trust the right person, because not everyone can understand. I was pained when you left me when I’m in need. I was stressed up when I couldn’t get my iqra’ right. You say, be patient, take it slowly. But if you are in my position, how can I take it slowly?

I need to know everything in a short period of time because once I’m back at home, it’s over. I have to go undercover even with my own family and I couldn’t learn anymore, not live like I do here.

Usrah? That is going to be impossible once I’m back to my family’s side. I felt oppressed enough when I couldn’t wear the hijab and how do you think I would feel when I can’t do the rest??

To this, I have something to say, appreciate your freedom of performing your prayers, cherish your jamaah prayers with your family, value the freedom of wearing the hijab because there are other people who has great difficulty even to say Bismillah in front of their own family.

I felt pity to those who had the knowledge but don’t apply them. I felt sick when I think of them who claimed to be free when they don’t want to abide. It might anger some people when I wrote this, but keep in mind, this is my blog, this is a piece of my mind, and I have been keeping this inside long enough.

I hope, this post might open your eyes on the revelation of the anxiety that feeds on me day by day. You say I’m cruel when I kept this a secret from my parents. Cruel? I’m not doing it to save myself, I just can’t bring myself to hurt them. Hurting them is the last thing that I want to do. Only Allah knows how tempted I am to tell them, each day, but the thing holding me back is the thought of my parents being hurt and sad because of me, their first child and only daughter.

Do you know how much I hate myself for keeping this a secret? And you tell me that I’m heartless and I was being selfish. To calm myself, I kept thinking, only Allah knows, only Allah knows, over and over again.

Offended? Think of how much I was offended first. For those, my true friends, who helped me a lot, who didn’t leave me when I’m in need, who stayed by my side when I’m in my most vulnerable state, thank you for not leaving me all alone.

Ever since I’ve embraced Islam, I never felt this way. This feeling is, how should I say it, is very genuine. It feels like pure love. What I meant is that, I never thought that I could love somebody this way.

Islam taught me that love isn’t only meant to be all that lovey-dovey stuff, but it taught me about ukhuwwah, it taught me about love amongst Muslims, and it helped me a lot.

Ever since I became a Muslim, my relationship with my friends became better, and I’ve opened my eyes to see that there are a lot of people who are willing to help me for the sake of the religion. I’ve never felt this way and plus, my relationship between my family members improved and I was so thankful for that.

I never thought that one day, I would be talking about mundane things with my mum, because before, if I were to call home, our conversation would normally revolve around my academic well-beings, my financial status and all that serious stuff. My family were never like real families. We’re academic-based and my parents were so strict about it.

But now, ever since I learnt that Islam taught us that we should obey our parents, never raise your voice when talking and etc., and I applied it whenever I’m having conversation with my mum and my mum kind of, soften up a little bit and started being buddies with her only daughter, that is me.

I felt so blessed with this gift, that is the journey of being a Muslim. I never met people that love each other, not because of money, not because they’re pretty and all that, but because of Allah, and that amazes me most. I was so overwhelmed with my founding that I felt calm and tranquil.

The thing that I enjoy most of being a Muslimah is that :
1) I get to go to usrah
2) I get to go to “tautan ukhuwwah” programmes
3) I get to wear the hijab and be protected from unauthorized eyes
4) I get to fast and experience the happy sensation of breaking fast afterwards
5) Etc. Etc. Etc.

I love my new life, I love the new me. Yet, somehow, certain people can’t resist of making my life miserable. Well, that’s life. But I have a new target in life now.

Last but never the least, Dear brothers and sisters, especially those who are also in the journey towards Jannah, To those who worked their bones just for Allah, keep it up. It is people like you that inspire the others to follow your lead, eventually.

I have high respect to those who can still take care of themselves, be it physically or mentally, but most importantly, spiritually. With that, let’s all become a professional Muslim and insyaAllah, one day, one of us or more might bring change to this world polluted with secularism, corruption and hedonism.

To end this post, this a special song that I dedicated to all of you... Kembali by Far East..

Ya Allah... Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah,
Terangilah ku dengan nur iman-Mu,
Hanya Engkau tempat aku berserah,
Mohon maghfirah di dalam syahdu...

Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih,
Ampunilah segala dosaku,
Laksana buih di laut memutih,
Hanyut ditelan gelombang nafsu...

Hari-hari yang telah aku lalui,
Inginku tinggalkan terus bersemadi,
Ingin aku, kembali kepada fitrah insani,
Tak sanggupku jelajahi rimba duniawi,
Bebaskanlah diriku dari dibelenggu,
Dosa noda nafsu durjana...

Terimalah taubatku Ya Allah,
Pimpinlah daku ke jalan redhaMu,
Moga sinarMu terangi hidupku,
Di dalam kegelapan...

Aku kan kembali padaMu rabbi,
MenghadapMu Ya Rabbul Izzati,
Segala ketentuanku pasrahkan,
Di hujung penghayatan...

A Letter For You
dihantar oleh: atiqah ali
editor: deynarashid

Assalamualaikum to my fellow sisters and brethrens, who will be one of the occupants in Jannah, insyaAllah. First of all, this is a letter that I composed to all viewers. A letter full of my real thoughts and dwellings, a letter of hope and pain, a letter of almost the truth. So here goes nothing.


Dear brothers and sisters,

The thing that triggered me to write such a letter is a post, that I read on someone’s blog. It reminded me, well, of about everything. Every single thing that I worked for, every single thing that I fought for. Yes, my story had started long enough, ever since I was back in high school.


My friend was fasting. I felt excited because I tried fasting too and it’s in the fasting month, yes, I remembered it well. I followed my Muslim friends where I woke up early for sahur and break my fast at Maghrib. I was doing it because I thought it would be fun and why not, since I was dead eager to know how it’s like.

Until one day, still in that month, my Muslim friend told me, though hesitant, something regarding the fact that I’m fasting. It broke my heart and it took me ages to recover and I nearly feel angered. Know what she told me?

“Ko tau tak yang ko puasa ni ko tak dapat pape? Macam kitorang, kitorang dapat pahala, tapi ko dapat lapar je.” To which I retort “Xpela, aku saje je, takkan x boleh?” Though the way she said it seems harsh, but it’s the truth.

And that got me thinking.

I thought about it every single night before I slept, to which I held up the palms of my hand facing my face and hoped silently that Allah hears my prayer, which is “Please Ya Allah, please grant only this, eventhough I’m still not a Muslim, please Ya Allah, please grant this prayer. I really want to be a Muslim. Ease my journey towards becoming a Muslim.”

And afterwards I would cry, because I was really hoping, that somehow, Allah let it easy for me, and grant that prayer.

And Alhamdulillah, now, I AM a Muslim.

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.. And I will never stop saying it, because I was really thankful.

The feeling was like, as if someone just saved you from a tragic death, or from drowning. Yes, I was drowning back then. I was flailing my arms desperately, for someone to save me, and Allah did. SubhanAllah...

I was saved, my brothers and sisters, I was saved.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Do you not know how much pain it caused me? How many tears are shed because of this journey I chose? Do you?

It was so difficult for me to trust the right person, because not everyone can understand. I was pained when you left me when I’m in need. I was stressed up when I couldn’t get my iqra’ right. You say, be patient, take it slowly. But if you are in my position, how can I take it slowly?

I need to know everything in a short period of time because once I’m back at home, it’s over. I have to go undercover even with my own family and I couldn’t learn anymore, not live like I do here.

Usrah? That is going to be impossible once I’m back to my family’s side. I felt oppressed enough when I couldn’t wear the hijab and how do you think I would feel when I can’t do the rest??

To this, I have something to say, appreciate your freedom of performing your prayers, cherish your jamaah prayers with your family, value the freedom of wearing the hijab because there are other people who has great difficulty even to say Bismillah in front of their own family.

I felt pity to those who had the knowledge but don’t apply them. I felt sick when I think of them who claimed to be free when they don’t want to abide. It might anger some people when I wrote this, but keep in mind, this is my blog, this is a piece of my mind, and I have been keeping this inside long enough.

I hope, this post might open your eyes on the revelation of the anxiety that feeds on me day by day. You say I’m cruel when I kept this a secret from my parents. Cruel? I’m not doing it to save myself, I just can’t bring myself to hurt them. Hurting them is the last thing that I want to do. Only Allah knows how tempted I am to tell them, each day, but the thing holding me back is the thought of my parents being hurt and sad because of me, their first child and only daughter.

Do you know how much I hate myself for keeping this a secret? And you tell me that I’m heartless and I was being selfish. To calm myself, I kept thinking, only Allah knows, only Allah knows, over and over again.

Offended? Think of how much I was offended first. For those, my true friends, who helped me a lot, who didn’t leave me when I’m in need, who stayed by my side when I’m in my most vulnerable state, thank you for not leaving me all alone.

Ever since I’ve embraced Islam, I never felt this way. This feeling is, how should I say it, is very genuine. It feels like pure love. What I meant is that, I never thought that I could love somebody this way.

Islam taught me that love isn’t only meant to be all that lovey-dovey stuff, but it taught me about ukhuwwah, it taught me about love amongst Muslims, and it helped me a lot.

Ever since I became a Muslim, my relationship with my friends became better, and I’ve opened my eyes to see that there are a lot of people who are willing to help me for the sake of the religion. I’ve never felt this way and plus, my relationship between my family members improved and I was so thankful for that.

I never thought that one day, I would be talking about mundane things with my mum, because before, if I were to call home, our conversation would normally revolve around my academic well-beings, my financial status and all that serious stuff. My family were never like real families. We’re academic-based and my parents were so strict about it.

But now, ever since I learnt that Islam taught us that we should obey our parents, never raise your voice when talking and etc., and I applied it whenever I’m having conversation with my mum and my mum kind of, soften up a little bit and started being buddies with her only daughter, that is me.

I felt so blessed with this gift, that is the journey of being a Muslim. I never met people that love each other, not because of money, not because they’re pretty and all that, but because of Allah, and that amazes me most. I was so overwhelmed with my founding that I felt calm and tranquil.

The thing that I enjoy most of being a Muslimah is that :
1) I get to go to usrah
2) I get to go to “tautan ukhuwwah” programmes
3) I get to wear the hijab and be protected from unauthorized eyes
4) I get to fast and experience the happy sensation of breaking fast afterwards
5) Etc. Etc. Etc.

I love my new life, I love the new me. Yet, somehow, certain people can’t resist of making my life miserable. Well, that’s life. But I have a new target in life now.

Last but never the least, Dear brothers and sisters, especially those who are also in the journey towards Jannah, To those who worked their bones just for Allah, keep it up. It is people like you that inspire the others to follow your lead, eventually.

I have high respect to those who can still take care of themselves, be it physically or mentally, but most importantly, spiritually. With that, let’s all become a professional Muslim and insyaAllah, one day, one of us or more might bring change to this world polluted with secularism, corruption and hedonism.

To end this post, this a special song that I dedicated to all of you... Kembali by Far East..

Ya Allah... Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah,
Terangilah ku dengan nur iman-Mu,
Hanya Engkau tempat aku berserah,
Mohon maghfirah di dalam syahdu...

Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih,
Ampunilah segala dosaku,
Laksana buih di laut memutih,
Hanyut ditelan gelombang nafsu...

Hari-hari yang telah aku lalui,
Inginku tinggalkan terus bersemadi,
Ingin aku, kembali kepada fitrah insani,
Tak sanggupku jelajahi rimba duniawi,
Bebaskanlah diriku dari dibelenggu,
Dosa noda nafsu durjana...

Terimalah taubatku Ya Allah,
Pimpinlah daku ke jalan redhaMu,
Moga sinarMu terangi hidupku,
Di dalam kegelapan...

Aku kan kembali padaMu rabbi,
MenghadapMu Ya Rabbul Izzati,
Segala ketentuanku pasrahkan,
Di hujung penghayatan...

A Dream of Muslimah

Oleh : Nur20
Editor : NuurZaffan

I remember it was winter in England and I was catching a train back to the city where I lived. It was cold, I looked out, White snow was falling lightly from the gloomy sky. The train was moving fast, and as it moved I could see grounds in white all covered up by snow. ‘Covered up?’ the word rang in my head. Images of hijab and headscarf flashes on my mind.

For the two hours journey, I couldnt sleep even once. There was too much on my mind. I was born as a Muslim. And I didn‘t pray five times a day like everybody else. I hardly could read the Quran. People could say I was illiterate in a way. Because at times, it took me a long while to finish even a short verse from the Quran. It was in Arabic and I was never taught Arabic, that was my excuse of not reading. I thought as long as you have a good heart that‘s good enough. And if you don’t commit huge sins, you’ll be fine. But what she said, made my whole perspective looked, vain.

I was from London and on my way back home to the North West region. My heart wasn’t at ease. What she said had made me thinking, and I was thinking real hard. She was a nice girl. ‘Be a true Muslim, and not just a Muslim by name,’ she said politely with a smile, but the meaning was intense. She was merely quoting and was not saying it to me but my heart was touched. What kind of Muslim, had I been all these while? I don’t want to be a Muslim and only by name. It doesn’t sound good either. As the train moved, heading to North West where I lived, I let out few sighs.

Few months after later.. ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim..,’ I read out loud before starting to read the Quran. My web-cam was on. That night We were in the middle of Quranic circle. It’s an activity that we do once a week. Through this circle, we read the Quran in turns. All were ladies. Sometimes we get to discussed about the meaning behind the Quran verses and some Hadith from Rasulullah. It was amazingly fun and I never thought I would actually had fun doing religious activity. I was very thankful to Siti and her older sister because now I can read the Quran much better. And since then, I keep on gradually changing, I realised. How I view life has changed too, a bit if not much.

At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. Of course that’s still remain as a wish and I hope it’ll come true one day. My life is never this calm! I now wear headscarf everywhere I go. It doesn’t feel right without it. Sometimes that leads to guilt, when people sees my hair. So I wear headscarf whenever I go out. My social activity especially when interacting with men has also changed. I used to be friendly and outgoing, even with the opposite gender. Now I feel sort of afraid. Sometimes I limit myself from being too ‘friendly’ with men. Sometimes, I think twice before I talked to them. Is it necessary or not to talk now? Because Women can be a fitnah to men, I don’t want to build up sins.

I used to look for a romantic boyfriend before. I searched high and low but funny that I never really had a boyfriend until now. I used to ask why? The question is why. Because I’m not unpretty. But now I understand the reason behind. Having a romantic relationship outside marriage can lead to something that breaks the law of Syariah. All praise to Allah, I’m glad I never had boyfriends before. I’m not worried if I don’t find a guy any sooner. I’m not looking for a relationship anymore. And definitely not looking for someone based on how romantic he is. I’m going with the flow, after all everything about humans has been written. I want to fix myself first.

I read somewhere about ‘Mencintai kerana Allah’ or ’Loving you because of God’. It was a nice Malay blog entry. I am aiming for that kind of love now. It sounds more pure than romantic love, to me.

‘What’s your dream guy like?’ a friend asked me one day while we ride on a taxi.

I didn’t replied him immediately though, ‘and have you found him?’ he added quickly.

‘Why do you want to know’ I politely asked with a smile.

‘Well, only asking,’ he replied calmly. Then there were silent. The road was wet due to the rain. It was soon before the taxi reached my home.

‘Was he like me?’ he then added. He was hinting something, I knew. I’ve been waiting for this moment all this year. And this could be a dream come true, but..

‘My dream guy is,’ I began ‘Someone who can guide me, you know, he leads and I follow,’ Then I paused.

‘I can be the guy,’ He said confidently.

There was silence again, a long one. The taxi finally reached my home. I said goodbyes to him and walked to my front door. I wave before the taxi accelerated again. He smiled to me even though I didn’t gave him the answer. He was a nice guy but he couldn‘t be the guy. Because…

I want to live with a guy who could guide me, so that I can get closer to My Creator. I want a man who can lead as an Imam, in every prayers that we’re gonna do together as married couple. A man who would tell Islamic history as a bed-time-stories to our children in the future. I want a man who’ll read the holly Quran to me, to cheer me every time I’m down. That is my dream guy and before I can meet him, I knew I need to fix myself first.

One beautiful spring afternoon, I was at a function. There were many Malays all gathered. That’s when I met him. He’s not just decent but he has the characteristic of my dream guy. Every time our eyes met accidentally during the event, he quickly moved away his stare. That convinced me, even more. I knew he’ll be a good amir, a leader of a family. Secretly I prayed: O‘ Allah, I want that kind of guy as a partner in life. At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. I want to go to Jannah (the heaven) with him! I’ll wait here and I know the wait is worthy.

Thank You Allah (SWT): Did we get a bill from Allah (SWT)?
Dihantar Oleh: NJ maniac*
Editor: b_b

A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease. He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying. Upon seeing this, the doctor said, "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you." The old man replied, "I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah (SWT) let me urinate for 70 years and HE never sent me a bill!" SubhanAllah!

And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful.
- Noble Qur'an (14:34)

Moral: We rarely thank Allah (SWT) for these things which are indeed great favors. Take a little pause and think for a while about the bounties of Allah Almighty within yourself. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to recognize His bounties and thank Him more often.

I Must Remember

editor : everjihad

If now I happy
I must remember before this I sad
If now I success
I must remember before this I failed
If now I clever
I must remember before this I stupid
If now I rich
I must remember before this I poor
If now I strong
I must remember before this I weak
If now I healthy
I must remember before this I sick

Tomorrow is difference
Tomorrow is a new life
Tomorrow maybe I die
Tomorrow not same as today
Only one not change

This is Islam
Thanks for Allah
Give me heart for to feel
Give me brain for to think
Give me eye for to see
Give me Quran for to read
and to understand and practice
Give me Hadiths for to life guide


My wish is to see the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ...

Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah ...

For all bless and Nikmat

The Story of a Boy and a Tree
Oleh : jfaisal
Editor : naadherah
As Salaamu‘alaykum and peace to all,
“A son’s sacrifice towards his parents is not complete until a situation arises whereby he buys and frees his parents from becoming slaves.” As we already know, we cannot deny the greatness of our beloved parent’s sacrifice, how they have spent most of the time lives to secure our future; their children’s future. From the time we were infants until we become useful people, they care for us. This is a story that relates to their sacrifice; a story about a boy and a tree in a countryside.
Once upon a time, when a boy was a small child, he used to play with a particular tree everyday as a hobby. Tree was very happy and wished that it could stop time from going on so that it could stay with the boy forever. But time goes on by and the boy gradually grows older day by day, year by year. Eventually, he doesn’t play with the tree anymore. So, the tree becomes very sad and lonely.
One gloomy morning, as the tree was standing alone, remembering the happy days they had together, it got a shock joy as the boy come back. He had come to ask for money and the tree didn’t hesitates even the least to give and sacrifice all it had with its capability, shedding all its leaves to give to the boy, leaving it bare and cold. The boy went away happily but didn’t return for along time.
A few years passed by and the boy has grown into a handsome man. Eventually, he came back to visit the tree, asking yet another favor for wood to build of his house. Once again, the tree sacrificed itself and was partly cut down. But again, the boy left the tree alone and never come back anymore.
In this story, the tree symbolizes our parents. The reality today is just as such. Children never appreciate their parents’ sacrifice but always asking for more. Parents, on the other hand, never abandon their children’s hope and sacrifice all they could. Some nowadays think that money could pay for what they have done, that is by giving their parents money. Actually, this concept is totally wrong.
Always remember, love has no substitute, be it billions of dollars or ringgit, no value can match the price of love. One thing need to remember is that, even if you service your parent for whole of your life, you still cannot pay for what they have done for you. The parent’s sacrifices are invaluable.

Ten Things We Waste www.iluvislam.com
Lessons from Imam Ibn Qayyim al-JawziyyahEditor : almusafirq8

Ten things we waste
1. Our Knowledge: Wasted by not taking action with it.

2. Our Actions: Wasted by committing them without sincerity.

3. Our Wealth: Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr (reward from Allah). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah (hereafter).

4. Our Hearts: Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.

5. Our Bodies: Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah (worship) and service of Allah.

6. Our Love: Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.

7. Our Time: Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds.

8. Our Intellect: Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.

9. Our Service: Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa(this world).

10. Our Dhikr (Remembrence of Allah): Wasted, because it does not effect us or our hearts.